Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

Well.  A book that might just explain everything.

A friend recently discovered it, and recommended it to me.  I showed it to my therapist, who wasn’t familiar with it, even though it’s been out for almost 10 years.

If I indulge my most cynical thoughts, I’d say it isn’t more widely known because it’s clear there are an awful lot of people it applies to, and they spend a lot of money trying to soothe themselves with just about everything:  substance abuse, religion, material possessions, other people.

More likely, it’s because the people who could use this info to become healthier, happier people — or at least, people who inflict less damage on other people — end up not being self-reflective people, which is the first requirement for change of any kind.

I would implore the next generation of this fucked-up family to at least give this book a try.  I no longer believe there’s the possibility to heal my generation, but I do believe the next one can be happier.  And I would always wish that for them.

The audiobook is on Libby, with no limits on borrowing at my library.  There are some exercises available as a free pdf file as well.